
Kerstin Maria Elisabeth
Jonmyren née Olofsson

Professional experience (an excerpt)

Professional genealogist specializing in American-Swedish Genealogy. Founder (1990) of the Swedish Genealogy Company, which is one of the leading professional genealogy firms in Sweden. Career as a professional genealogist was initiated already in 1985.
Administrator, Påryd School District.
Teacher, mainly in History. I have been working in several schools all over Sweden.
Volunteer at the kibbutz Givat Chaim in Israel.

Education (an excerpt)

College of Kalmar, studying Swedish History and World History.
University of Gothenburg, majoring in teaching.
University of Uppsala, studying English.
Graduated from Uppsala Högre Allmänna Läroverk (high school).

Additional information

Member of the board and treasurer of Gotland’s Genealogy Society.
Elected member of The Society for Preserving the Gotlandian Language
Awarded the genealogy diploma from Sweden’s National Genealogy Society for ”meritorious contributions for the genealogy movement in Sweden”
Chairperson of Kalmar Genealogy Society. I was co-founder of the society in 1980. When I resigned as chairperson in 1998, I was awarded the position as honorary member of the board.
Boken om Vamlingbo och Sundre was published. I worked as editor, and main author of the book.

I have also been a regular columnist in the genealogy magazines KLGF-bladet and Oe Folki since their first issues. During the last decades I have also written articles for several books, magazine, and newspapers on topics like genealogy and History. These are some examples:

• Svenska Antavlor 4, 1996: Anor från Roslagen och Åland.
• Svenska Antavlor 2, 1995: Släkten Ronquists anor på Gotland.
• Från Gutabygd, 1996: Österby i Fide, en gård och dess öden från 1660-talet.
• Från Gutabygd, 1995: De finländska prästdöttrarna i Öja.
• Släkthistoriskt Forum 3, 1994: Roslagsanor part II
• Släkthistoriskt Forum 2, 1994: Roslagsanor part I
• Från Gutabygd, 1990: Dråpet i Vamlingbo.
• Släkt och Hävd, 1975: Olleifs i Öja, en gammal släktgård.

All my entries in the Royal Swedish Library database.